Template & Installation
Making & Delivering Your Countertop
All of our work is custom and made to order. As such, the production times will vary depending on material, features, size, and complexity. Please keep in mind that we cannot begin production without your signature on a final quote.
After signing off on your project you are ready to schedule the templating (measuring) and installation of your countertop or other surface.
In order to get a template of your project we send a skilled technician to the jobsite to take measurements. So that we get accurate measurements, please ensure that:
Cabinets or supports are level, set, and in their final resting position.
All the faucets, fixtures, sinks, stoves, etc. are either onsite, purchased from us, or have model numbers available. Farm sinks must be installed prior to your template appointment.
A 'decisionmaker' is present.
The surfacing area is clean & clear of any obstructions that hinder measurement. We can measure over existing countertops.
Installation of your surface occurs after we have templated & fabricated the material. Stone weighs around 16lbs/sqft at typical countertop thickness and can be brittle when carried, so the process requires a clean, uncluttered area with no obstacles. At your installation appointment please ensure that:
No changes have been made to the cabinets & other supports since measurement.
Gas connections are disconnected.
A 'decisionmaker' is present.
You have a licensed plumber to plumb your faucet & sink. Please wait until the next day to plumb, allowing sink adhesives to dry.

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